We are delighted to share the outstanding exam results of our current Year 6 cohort. As a non-academically selective school, we take immense pride in our external examination success, supporting our pupils in securing places at schools that best suit their future aspirations.
For those who sat the entrance and 11+ exams, the pass rates are as follows:
100% success rate for independent grammar schools
59% pass rate for selective grammar schools
Our most popular destinations continue to be Altrincham Girls’ Grammar School and Altrincham Grammar School for Boys, reflecting the dedication and hard work of our students and staff.
Headmaster Mr. Booth shared:
"The results for our children are fantastic and we are all so very proud. At Forest, our key aim and passion is to support pupils and their families in finding the most suitable school for their secondary years. We are looking forward to our Year 6 leavers flourishing in their chosen destinations.’
Read how we prepare our Foresters for the 11+
As we continue our Centenary celebrations, we look forward to an exciting final term with our 100th Year 6 class. Well done to all!