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The Summer Show: The Show Must Go Online!

The Summer Show: The Show Must Go Online!

The annual Summer Show is always a highlight in the Forest calendar and usually marks the beginning of the big send-off for our Year 6 Leavers. Unfortunately, with all the restrictions in place, we were unable to perform at Altrincham’s Little Theatre, however this did little to stop our brilliant Year 6’s performing a purpose-written online show- The Show Must Go Online.

Ms Wellings organised countless rehearsals, which all took place over video calls and the show was aired on Thursday 2nd July via YouTube. The effort each child put into rehearsing and delivering their lines to the best of their acting ability was clearly evident. A huge well done to all our Year 6 children for a highly entertaining show- it was thoroughly enjoyable to watch. A special mention to the rest of Upper School for their contribution to the finale and, of course, Ms Wellings, for, yet again, orchestrating such a spectacular show.

If you missed the show, you can watch it by clicking here.  


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Quality Eco-Schools Sainsburys School Games Gold Healthy School Edge Hill University Independent Schools Council Gifted Children

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