This term has seen the introduction of extracurricular Yoga classes for children from Reception to Year 6.
Children gain many benefits from being introduced to Yoga at a young age: developing strength, flexibility, coordination and awareness in a relaxed, non-competitive environment. The practice of Yoga is an ancient science but is even more relevant in this day and age. Physical and mental well being go hand in hand when teaching Yoga; supporting children in balancing their emotions, enabling and teaching children how to relax, concentrate and be flexible. Yoga also helps children to become more mindful, happy and able to deal more effectively with the stresses of the busy society we live in today.
Mrs Thomson, who runs the classes every Tuesday after school, had this to say about her new extracurricular class: "I am greatly enjoying beginning the little yogis at Forest Prep on their yoga journey and creating a lifetime love which will instil long term benefits for the children."