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Relationships and PSHE Workshops

Relationships and PSHE Workshops

This week, our four Upper School classes were lucky to participate in a very informative Relationships and PSHE workshop, conducted by Rachel Hart from Coram Life Education- our school SCARF scheme provider. 

As we continue to embed the scheme into our curriculum and school life, we are thrilled with how enthusiastic and engaged our pupils continue to be in their lessons. This certainly carried over this week, with the introduction of the ‘Time to Change’ topic for our Year 4-6 classes. Rachel broached this topic in a very sensitive and age-appropriate manner, receiving fantastic feedback from children, teachers and parents. 

Our Foresters showed respect, listened well and participated in valuable, mature discussions. Children were given the opportunity to write anonymous questions down for Rachel, to be answered at the end of the sessions and these were, again, approached with great maturity. 

Naturally, some children knew more than others, but Rachel very carefully and professionally steered discussions to ensure only statutory information was given. 

As the spiral scheme is still in the process of being incorporated into daily life, Year 3- instead- took part in a 'Meet the Brain' sessions, where they learned about how the human body works and were even able to explore inside the body using very clever chromakey technology. 

For more information regarding our Relationships and PSHE scheme, please follow the link.

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Quality Eco-Schools Sainsburys School Games Gold Healthy School Edge Hill University Independent Schools Council Gifted Children

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