The focus for this half-term in Kindergarten has been all about ‘Seasons’. Mrs Wardle, Mrs Budd and Mrs Singer have put on some interactive and ‘messy’ workstations, so that learning is fun but most importantly memorable.
Each week the children have explored a season, covering all the 4 seasons. The role-play area has been turned into a weather station, where the children have the opportunity to monitor the temperature, wind speed and rainfall with keen eyes and curious minds.
The learning continued in our ICT lesson, where the children produced pictures using Chromebooks, to showcase their learning of one of the seasons.
There have been lots of creative opportunities too from crafting delicate leaves and intricate snowflakes to fashioning bead flowers and origami shells.
In addition, to all their hard work on the seasons, the Kindergarten children have been focussing on being ‘school ready’ and have been practising their handwriting skills and number recognition.
Well done Kindergarten!