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Young Enterprise: Year 6 Do the Apprentice

Young Enterprise: Year 6 Do the Apprentice

This term, the Year 6 children were challenged to develop their entrepreneurial skills by taking part in the ‘Year 6 Foresters Do The Apprentice’ project for our Young Enterprise week. 

They were tasked with the following brief:

“Create a product or service to sell to members of Forest school and generate the greatest profit for your team. Profits will be used to fund resources for the new Year 6 garden, creating a unique legacy for future generations of Foresters.”

This has involved them researching their target market, brainstorming best products, budgeting, marketing and advertising, all resulting in the production of a business plan over the Whit holidays. Each team had an initial investment of £25 (which used to purchase materials). At the beginning of July, the children ‘set up shop’, offering a variety of products from sweets to stationary, to the whole school. This was a sell-out success and the Year 6’s were able to hone their accountancy skills- counting and calculating their team’s profit. We are all extremely proud of how hard they worked.

The class raised a magnificent £181.71!! As they did so well, Mr Hyde has allowed them to keep the initial investment, giving the children a total of £356.71 to spend on the Year 6 garden!

Here’s what some of the Year 6 children had to say about taking part in this project…

“I enjoyed selling our product and seeing people coming and buying our sweets, it was a fun experience.” HR

“I have enjoyed making and selling the products and have learnt that you have to make products appealing to your customers.” PF

“Young Enterprise is fun and educational. I learnt that the money has to be used wisely. At the start, I thought that £25 was a lot of money, but then we ran out of money!” MP

“I feel like I have learnt important life skills and have gained an advantage earlier in life. I aspire to be an entrepreneur one day so it has been a really enjoyable experience and I have had fun!” SF

“I feel that with Young Enterprise, I have learnt lots of valuable life and economic skills and I found the experience enjoyable. I found lots about what people will buy in our target market.” LM

Congratulations to all of our Year 6 entrepreneurs for working so hard and enthusiastically! Many thanks to their families for assisting them in this project and of course to our wonderful Forest community for supporting the event!

Awards and Accreditations

Quality Eco-Schools Sainsburys School Games Gold Healthy School Edge Hill University Independent Schools Council Gifted Children

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