In order to welcome our little ones back safely, we made the decision to set up (in true Forest style) ‘Pop-up Pre-Prep’. Located at Timperley Sports Club, who we have had a positive partnership with for many years now, Pop-Up Pre-Prep welcomed back our Forest families on the 8th June.
We are delighted to announce that it has been incredibly well-received by our families and we would like to thank them for their unwavering support. Additionally, we would like to take the opportunity to give a special thanks to Mr Booth and Mrs Wardle for the behind the scenes work (of which there was plenty!) in getting it set up and Mr Bullock, Miss Saez and Miss Winstanley for their passion and clear direction with this new concept. The children have been extremely busy colour-mixing, bubble making and den building- to name but a few of the activities!
To tie in with their current topic of ‘Pets’, Mr Bullock even brought his ever-obedient and fun-loving dog Obi in with him to bring the children’s learning to life. During their PE lesson, the children even enjoyed throwing balls for Obi to retrieve!
Click here to see all the photographs of what Pre-Prep have been up to!