Monday 8th June marked the return to school for some of our children. In line with government guidelines, we saw some of our Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils return on site, whilst Pre-Prep started back in their temporary ‘Pop-up’ set up.
Over the past few weeks, different year groups have gradually made their return to school, with Years 3 and 4 doing two days in school and 3 days of remote learning. Year 5 for one, could not be happier to be back! All the staff have been thrilled with the children’s attitudes upon their return; enthusiastic, engaged, conscientious, positive...the list is endless. The children have been a true credit to the school and have demonstrated just how embedded their Forester state of mind is.
Although the logistics of the school’s return has given Mr Booth a headache or two over the past few weeks, the staff have been delighted with how well all children (and parents!) have adhered to the social distancing and continuous hygiene measures which have been introduced.
Even though it is not Forest as we know it, everyone has adapted incredibly well to the ‘new norm’ and the constant cheery demeanour of all our children (both those who have returned and those who continue to join Google Meets from home) has enabled our ‘Forest Family Feeling’ to shine through!
As always, a huge thank you to the children, the parents and, of course, the staff for proving united in supporting and guiding each other through these unprecedented times.