It’s with great pleasure that we share our final e-newsletter for this academic year. As the school hymn goes… "Everything at Forest is moving a-long."
A teacher; teaching them to count is one thing but teaching them what counts is best. On that note, I'd like to share with you my message to our Year 6 Leavers’.
Dear Year 6 (our Class of 2024),
It has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside you during your time at Forest. Each of you has brought your own flavour to our school and I look forward to seeing you flourish as you take the next step in your lives. Some of you are great at Mathematics, others English, netball, tennis, History, piano, archery, cooking, telling jokes, computing and so many other things that I can’t list them all here. Take these skills and build on them. Don’t forget to work on your weaknesses as well, we all have them.
Here is some advice for making the most of your future. Take it or leave it, you’re ‘big kids’ now and can make your own decisions. Be brave about meeting people and trying something you haven’t done before. Have big dreams and ambitions. Don’t worry if they don’t happen, try something else.
It’s easy to feel defeated at times, but view these moments as a challenge. Learn from your mistakes and pick yourself up to try again.
Positivity attracts positivity; do not be negative about things. Try not to only stick to friends who are like you, reach out and listen to those who have different interests and backgrounds.
As you get older, you’ll get to know yourself better. Always be true to yourself. Never try to be what you are not. Most importantly. Have fun and enjoy life. Smile and make others smile around you. Don’t ever put anything nasty in print or on screen, however horrible someone else might have been.
Be kind. Be happy. Go forth and make the world great!
Enjoy all that you see and do.
Mr Booth
I'd like to wish everyone a wonderful summer.