Our specialist Art Room is a vibrant and inspiring space, buzzing with creativity as it welcomes students from Kindergarten through to Year 6 for dedicated art lessons, led by our talented Art teacher, Mrs. Thomson.
Each half-term, children take on an exciting new art project, exploring a different artist and learning a new artistic skill. This term, Year 6 students have been delving into the work of American artist Shepard Fairey, known for his impactful designs and powerful messages.
Building on their learning, Year 6 students are creating their own meaningful messages or inspirational quotes suitable for a protest. The project began with Mrs Thomson teaching year 6 about activists from around the world and showing them different ideas for protest boards. Together, the class brainstormed ideas, before beginning the hands-on process of creating their own boards. Starting with background designs, they then applied typography skills developed in Year 5, to craft stencils. Finally, the projects will culminate in silkscreen printing, resulting in striking, layered works of art.
The Art Room is very popular amongst the children at Forest. EB, a Year 6 pupil said: "The Art Room is a lovely, calm space and we’re allowed to drop in at break times”. TA added, "It gives us a mental break from our class work and a space that brings out the creativity within us.”
Since the Art Room opened in September 2022 it has been a hugely welcomed addition to our school, not only for developing the creative skills of our Foresters, but also for the children's well-being and confidence.