Just like that I'm writing the final piece for the school e-Magazine for this term. The favourite old saying of, ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ certainly comes to mind and what an incredible term it has been.
A particular highlight was the opening of the new Nursery. We welcomed twenty-four little Foresters in September as they eagerly embarked upon their school days. Since then, they have blossomed in every way with huge characters, smiles and laughter filling the room and playground. We also saw the opening of the new Art Studio. Mrs Thomson has transformed the first floor of the main house into a vibrant and creative environment for all the pupils to enjoy and learn. The children engage in a wide variety of topics and activities. When I visited this morning, our Year 6 pupils were completing their 'Activism Art' with great passion and commentary about their learning.
Over the term, the children have participated in many academic, sporting and musical events. Success in the pool and on the stage has been much deserved and celebrated by all. We are incredibly grateful to have such a robust and happy group of Foresters surrounding us; truly inspiring.
As we enter our final day, I would like to thank the whole school community for their ongoing support with everything #theforestway. A special thanks to my colleagues who continue to support the school in all we do.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Graeme Booth